Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ok Kyum Kim Viloin Maker

I'm back (to play a trick on you!)

During my BAFA, I learned to trust people, and it is through there that I met people great, I could develop myself, to know me better, open up without fear. Thank you:)

Drawing by JH at Sunday, August 22, 2010.

Otherwise, during my BAFA I LOLA have deceived my guitar (and not Gertrude) to another, pick up my phone in the toilet, get high on coffee at least four drinks per day (quantity I mean), sleep at four in the morning, feel the air of cigarettes every day (no, I will not smoke anyway), I managed to carry bag + guitar + backpack and ... I lost 1 kg. >.> "

Photos by Christopher

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Toshiba P5225u Specifications

"We're all crazy but nobody has the right to impose their insanity on others." (Georg BÜCHNER)

Pikachu **
8D My world (or almost, it lacks a lot of stuff ... like the food?).

I'll enjoy my last moments of freedom => return soon: taff of death that kills.
Enjoy the sun that finally wakes up in this summer, we will taste again, as every year, the fresh air of autumn, when the whole leaf dies, where we take our scarves and sweaters. And clouds dominate the skies, the sun is afraid.

And blablabla 8D

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bedwettingstore.com Coupon

- Hands in the air!
- Drop your weapon! Otherwise, no fresh yellow watermelon!

Thi is the land of the Beatles, Miss Marple, Shakespeare ... where God save the Queen too. Bon voyage. 8)


From my side, I have the office to store and make the bag.
(in s'crète, I can still do one or two articles before I left).

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Alprazolam 1mg Notense From Uk

Gaga "Saying I Love You Is Not The Words That I want to hear from you"

Sketches (?)

When I (finally) my graphics tablet and photoshop that shit I remake this picture. 8D (because ... he missed uu ').

Last (or penultimate, if I have time) section of August. I have to clean my room and pack my bags: I will not be in Paris last week. >.> ' And retraction approaches seriously, putting forward my garbage, etc.. (LLG PLASTISQUES ARTS is back).

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sanbathing At Thebeach


Gloria Gaynor - I Am What I Am

Why this song? Because I play in a loop, it gives me fishing and when you listen to the lyrics, it's magic. There are songs like this that make you feel good. Or movies, according to the people. The other day I was talking to a friend who kept telling me "Oh, this song is good, there is a great riff, the drummer is an egg, etc". Ok, cool. But in my opinion, no one listens to music only to discover that the guy did a great solo with his guitar. When I listen music is not for every shell in technical terms. It is rather for emotions - 36 15 cuculapraline - to put myself in a particular mood. Oddly, when I am depressed that I like listening to sad songs for me even more depressed. Finally I think we're all a bit like that. Such, I have CDs of Record according to my moral and weather outside. I love listening Melody Gardot when the weather is really rotten, rain, black sky and everything. Also, some albums that I love listening to it - Ta-Dah! Scissor Sisters majority. I think the mood influences the music that we listen and what we listening affects our mood. That's why I think it is not useful to judge what others are listening.

To talk about something else, I realize that the return is in 15 days ihi. And I have not read half my card reader / o /. But hey, I do not think the one and then, well, vacation is vacation. This is done to vegetate in pajamas watching Derrick (or not). Personally, I spent my afternoon at France 2: Maigret followed by Miss Marple, trocoule. Can Hercule Poirot is on TMC and all. Yes, I do not look at Glee, yes, I do not adore Gossip Girl. What interests me is the surveys. So as CSI, the After a while, it's drunk, bah I look at the three other series mentioned before, are still really more plausible. I can swear because the other day, a team of forensic science has come into our building (due to a motherfucker who amused himself in the basement of the boxs and farted but also our jalopy 1 euro stolen in - aha), eh bah it was not the mouths of experts. It bother me, but suddenly, I prefer to see realistic series.

I also discovered a few minutes ago I lost the damn Wii. Before I tore all to Mario Kart and then niet. It craint. J'ai toute la journée pour m'entraîner - comme mon frère est pas là, pas de raison qu'il se foute de ma gueule ou m'engueule. D'ailleurs, ça va être une journée joyeuse, toute seule avec moi-même dans un appartement vide. Vendredi, nous avons perdu le dernier animal de la maison et du coup, ça fait bizarre de se dire que cette présence n'est plus là. Le problème avec les animaux, c'est qu'on s'y attache trop. Et quand ils meurent, on peut pas s'empêcher de pleurer, la plupart du temps. Surtout quand la mort est aussi brusque. Mais malheureusement, c'est comme ça. Bon, maintenant que vous avez fini l'article, vous pouvez réécouter Gloria histoire de repartir in a good mood!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

1920's Flapper Cigarette Holders Wikianswers

This article will remain in the annals of the tray 2010.

The famous article will focus on a long-awaited ROS (R econstitution O rganized of ouvenirs S), which can attach to only one specific person at a time. Of course, during our demo, we must be very theoretical evidence in any medium, including drawings, press cuttings, photographs, illustrations, quotes, videos and more. Attention, be aware that this is primarily an reconstruction organized memories to be built, thus bringing every reader (ie the person, the correction of the tank, the readers of blogspot DANHJINX ) to laugh. Any abusive, racist etc.. the genus are naturally forbidden in ROS (otherwise you'll not only entitled to a critic rather than strict, but you will lose more successful, you will curse at life almost, and eventually you will hate life! or Part-time).
I also remind you that the correct spelling and language are important. Any error four points away! (So if you ever have the joy of writing a ROS Do not be surprised to have -36/20 your copy!).
Danhjinx ® © 2010 All rights reserved (otherwise, I'll stumble 8D).


Our topic today? Ben is of Thierry Frog (Asian) .

You all know (or at least heard of) one of my coworkers who is our "Creature friendly" Thierry. Thierry was once quite remote, so I said to myself often "Thierry is too bad to me."

Manufactured in May / June 2010 (mini project was to design
everyone in the class version "chibi".
I was loading boys).

Now, being more than just classmates sentenced to mathematics and physics, even to the point of opening a drawing duel (with graffiti application U.S. network Buttock Bouc), almost one wonders how did it come to this affectionate nickname which is the Official Thierry Frog (and I forbid you to call it, there is only I who right!). But more importantly, how did we get this result?

Dated Wednesday, August 11, 2010. Graffiti representative Thierry
dancing SNSD Gee.

To answer the larger issue of the century (yes, worse than the near-Earth asteroid that may crash on Earth in 2036, thank you the subject of study), I'll show you in the first part the origin of several masterpieces on our Thierry. Unfortunately, we must know that whatever I create to make her happy does not always enchants. Yet it is in the second part that we can better understand the origin of this beautiful arrangement. And finally, to finish off a story of growing friendship between two colleagues sentenced to mathematics and physics (since we are part of high society), I left a surprise. So my dear readers and my dear readers, I do not invite you but instead I requires to read A to Z ROS this for the humor of the XXI century! 8D

I. Our Thierry committed the worst mistake of his life is that he put before me a TP.

dissection to view the anatomy of a vertebrate or ... almost.

Photo of our first (for some), nth (for others)
and / or last (for the rest like me 8D) dissection.

Going back a few months earlier. It is a Monday, June 7, 2010, in a room dedicated to a regular high school TP prestigious Louis Le Grand (located at 123 Rue St. Jacques in the 5th arrondissement of Paris the capital of the pigeons!). Frogs and mice frozen ready to be dissected, the choice is rather crucial for some, others are rather delighted to practice this basic surgery, bloody and merciless. With Helen, my buddy, we chose a frog.
" And if I give him a name? " me I asked.
Unfortunately, no name is passed through my mind. I was almost in tears .. I_I "(yeah, that's like that).
Then I almost feel a presence by sending negative waves: our famous Thierry, innocent of receiving the mouse, hit my Intelligence borrow his name for my beautiful and beloved frog.
8D And that all my group mates steal my idea.
Guess the name of his mouse. 8)

Photo left: me (with the look that kills 8D) and Thierry in my hands.
Photo Top left: Thierry mouse that bears my name. u_u "

Then, several provocative start. And yes, this rich experience in testes does not stop there. Our best friend Buttock Bouc tells us everything!

That's what told me about Thierry.
" Because JH has testicles and death stinks." (I must admit, the mouse really stinks death >.>').

But, as I cultivated am, I do not hesitate to leave all my intellectual abilities to defend myself (well, I dec, we all know that is not true >.>').
" Because Thierry testicles have not been identified but I still cut off his willy, so he can not engage in physical activities prohibited under sixteen. Anyway, Thierry can not do as above remaining distance (which is Weiwei told me). "

And after several moments like this incomprehensible, Thierry finally keep its official nickname is Frog, and , thanking him for all those good memories, I do drawings on Graffiti (oh, that ch'est cute (L)! you saw).
But unfortunately, we will have to pass to the next game. Because it is this generosity art that gave birth to this war artistic between us! é_è

II. The formidable weapon Frog: its "Reverse 8D" (no, he NEVER forget the "8D")

1) Where is his creation? (Haha, joke. It [bar] thanks [/ bar] because of me this. I_I)

It happens that I love to eat (and I remain thin. * o * I am not a false lean and fat first!). When we talk about comic Thierry, I almost die of hunger (besides, our little Thierry is a recent blog gourmet I_I). Through him, I know the existence of yellow watermelon, thanks to him, I lose my time waiting for my half-watermelon (yes, Thierry owes me half a watermelon! Exchange is an exchange! And no ee Dalleuse scam as I am, I gave him my weak point in exchange for the half-yellow watermelon xD).

Me and Thierry, drawing achieved on msn a day July ...

accompanied by the yellow watermelon, which tasted virtually.

According to this article , Thierry did not like the bit that I rebel against him. Making me angry enough to kill as pieces almost as "wise" as he is, he will take revenge option instead , of course. And the beginning is coming soon.

2) "I want a carnivorous plant," says one day JH (because in summer it is really annoying mosquitoes).

As I fully agree with Thierry, I showed him my future carnivorous plant. 8D

And I was so proud ...

Thierry Until I draw it.

Or one that is just below the sentence you, dear readers, dear readers, you read ...

Blabla, and still counting!

3) When JH Thierry offers graffiti, you get this:

That's what I did to Thierry, a frog, delicate as a sign of our friendship that goes beyond the relationship between classmates sentenced to mathematics and physics!

course, to thank me, Thierry has done exactly the same thing ... or almost:

Am I not all just beautiful? 8D
* cry *
(for information, Tortoise is one of my nicknames).

Thierry and his reverse 8D is violent. . _. '
Therefore, in this ROS, there is a third major and fatal party (which, ultimately, not worth the trouble to be published).

III. To protect me from bad boys, I take my umbrella blue (the cons reverse-8D).

It would appear one day in the year 2009/2010, I wanted to sodomize him with my umbrella blue (whereas I, Me, I prefer to stain the back by a kick 8D) . As I'd never thought I had the idea of representing this scene that Thierry fears so.

Designed Monday, August 16, 2010

But not only is it too u_u pedophile "(no, we did not have the same age and I am the greatest ), and more with this representation, Thierry was able to do this:

Me, kneeling, trying to beg her to pass me Thierry yellow watermelon? Was really thinking.
Level creativity Thierry sort (unfortunately for me) winner.
My " cons reverse-8D " is decidedly ineffective against him. é_è

In conclusion, it is through these various designs we have passed the "stuck in the mathematical life" to "Frog and Turtle" and we were able to live a real Artistic adventure and virtual. * O *
Hoping all this will give you your turn the desire to draw or do graffiti for your loved ones (or for me 8D), I wish you a great result for your future life (and especially, n Do not forget your smile).

Finally, the ROS will read about "my victims 8D" (there will be others, hohoho: D). I want to say that everything I wrote is not to be taken seriously in all (well, I think it is easy to distinguish my amusement at the absurd). x] thank our Frog Thierry for having shared this time and virtual art with us in this first ROS devoted to a specific person on DANHJINX ! 8D


completed Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 2:32

Now tempus is dormiendi . :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hair Loss From Swynthroid

Stressful Life. _. '

To tell you the truth, I think the last two weeks (or less), I am having a nightmare on my high school. T_T And I sleep badly I_I "
So last night I drew and drew until 4am (but I have not scanned).
Here I am trying to understand the html code and all with that stuff. It's not too hard but it is long arch (well, this is a bit distant cousins of deco architecture mega-skyblog eh? xD college too I fuck my time doing that omg ).

short, my little brother wants me to watch Harry Potter 5 with him.
So until my drawings (and the famous article on the frog, no no, it is still under construction! I want to win this war myself), I post an old picture of me (it was a Saturday, July 7, 2007, you saw kind, it is 07/07/2007. My first day of the Japan Expo and also the big opportunity to have met Nana Kitade and Olivia * o *).

wé Ben, I changed (like everyone else xD).

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Baby Flower Card Wording

"Humankind can not bear very much reality" (Thomas Stearns Eliot)

Friday, August 13, 2010, my day was very ordinary in the background. But I could make this arrangement with the teaching of Caca Prout 8D (and thanks to her I 7GB of extra free space on my pc now. Yes, she advises you like me to CCleaner cleaning the pc).

I apologize for titles insignificant because the citations are not related to what I do. Say that I tend to confuse my blog and my blog intimate waste. x) And sometimes, the texts are not related to the illustrations also posted (as here, almost).

Someday I'll do an article on the origin of the famous Hawker and nicks Jusan Danhjinx. Yes, there is a hidden meaning .. very pessimistic, frankly. And in these two nicknames, they obviously have a link. Maybe today or tomorrow? We'll see depending on my mood (more or less destroyed by fatigue and holidays. The holidays are a way for me to piss off even more that way. I'm probably masochistic.).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gerber Training Pants

"Trust is a courageous, faithful be a sign of strength." (Marie von Ebner-ESCENBACH)

This drawing was made some 14 April 2006. Mathematically, I have had 12 years 11 months, 3 weeks, 3 days and dust when I got the bright idea of copying the cover of Volume I dunno what most of the manga Naruto. I was at that time in 5th, in a rotten school (PTA) called Evariste Galois, the name of a great mathematician or a genius, who spent part of his schooling in the renowned Lycée Louis Le Great and blablabla. Back to the drawing. Looking at him now to one day of August in 2010, I truly realized how much I love fuck my time drawing. Unfortunately, I have not much time to devote myself seriously before drawing u_u "(just being French, and especially Chinese, history and geography in Latin 8D and not because you saw , I'm in the front row and just before the teacher what. It I_I more scary, I'm an architecture student being serious! I participate alone in Latin SUSU).

Well, c'pas to say but I too want to pee there. Well, tempus is dormiendi . Buttock sum. And besides, imagination [to create a story about a colleague who is anxiously awaiting my updates] invited me to sleep now. So I stop here, sweet dreams big darling'z (to make it more like that because the Latin is stylish, but with English hyperbolic, even better! 8D).

Monday, August 9, 2010

H&o Centrum Konsultingu Ślubnego

"One should never rejoice in the day before he put his nightcap." (The Saga of Folkungar)

Fifth Wheelcoupling Manufacturers In The Usa


I forgot to mention, for those unfamiliar with Mary, she was in the same class as me in 5th. Then she changed her school. It was a very reserved girl, she never spoke to her. But she loved to sing and draw. She had no trouble opening up to me. She loved to give me drawings she realized that because she knew it would please me.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cannabis Ward -award -awards

travel, travel.

a time when I speak, we can not say I'm very active, but rather soft knee. I spent a weekend of three days in Germany and I'm slammed, again. I slept in a "bed" a bit special. In fact, it was a bunk, but for small, not very high. My job was to sleep under and trying to get up without banging my head. So I adopted the technique of the army, that roll over the side, while taking foot in the quilt, her head in the pillow and making a big boom reaching the ground. It was wonderful, gracious and very pleasant. Anyway, I really super not slept well. Which explains my current state of fatigue (but I must not complain because it's my fault if I fall asleep at 1am every day aha).

Apart from that, it was pretty cool to have a break, doing nothing or almost for a few days. So, I do not know how I'll get back to my reading list. We'll see you later eh. The only downside was ... Flies. It was awful, they were everywhere and as there was plenty of food, and bah there were more. The fag has served - thank you cousin high as 3 apples to get killed so brilliantly all these flies (having broken the fag but it's a detail). Legion of Honor of the biggest killer of flies. Speaking of killer, I could try some nice weapons during this stay. This is not a joke. Yes, I am still alive and the people around me too. The return of Alsace has been hard. For several reasons. 1) German motorways are under construction all the time. 2) No drinking toilet (it is unclear whether this is the ground is water or ...). 3) Everyone leaves work to 18h (live in Stuttgart, 10km in 1hr / o /). 4) I was really me in the campaign in the middle of nowhere, and it was fine as well. Here, it is ugly, very ugly and there no green. Well certainly, I do not see myself living in the country ... I am afraid of insects, I hate flies, I do not feel cloistered. You can do anything if you do not have a car in fact is very simple. I think I'm really a city, now. When I was little, I loved going to the country, pat the cows, coughed. Even today, but it's not the same. It quickly became dependent on our comfort. I love my home, my business, etc.. I'm pretty materialistic, I think. And it's the same: when you go to the people, there is always something wrong, right? Oh look, they have not been educated like that. Oh, but why it does not prevent him from doing that? It's not as clean as my home, etc.. It all relates to itself and we tend to judge based on that. It's a feeling I have recently, but I do not think the only ...

Otherwise, reading level, that slab. I walk with difficulty in Ruy Blas , not that it is boring, but because I read before going to bed so ... For the cinema, I intend to go Inception (someday, maybe) and I went to see Tour. It was pretty nice graphics and I loved the parts where you could see pieces of entertainment, some numbers. Nevertheless, seen all the buzz there was around, I was a tad disappointed not to see, not be carried over. I think it's primarily a film about life instead of being a movie about the show.