Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gia Mancini Tickles Feet Of Cute Blonde

Google is our friend for life.

It's crazy, I feel that the posts to this blog's focus now (if indeed one can speak of "concentration" for a blog powered by 2 or 3 posts a year) around short of copies and funny links that lead visitors astray here ... Regardless, I therefore continues.

Briefs links therefore, which will therefore primarily for those who have typed the improbable phrases found one day following in their footsteps here and there, where they are eventually passed. A mix between stuff that makes the crumb of Proust and small pebbles of Tom Thumb. Shame you had to type it into Google? It's too late now. Next time I give the names.

This week at the charts of the concerns of doctoral students of classics and little news:
- "I sleep with my supervisor" . Oh look, usually the request is typed in rather tense, when "it's too late, it's done").
and always
- " I'm sick of this fucking thesis . The question is still how and why, at a given moment, happens to be typing that sentence into Google. Throughout the sweaty desperation here ... Do we hope to find when you type this sentence? A light in the night? A comforting shoulder ? Doc and Difool as wallpaper?
- " Growing beans in the cotton . Typically also, these are avocado pits but I have nothing against a little variation.
- "I'm looking for the song of formula 2 doudou French version. Ah! There is not that here! No, do not insist. And Rene Taupe just gone, sorry!
- "more potent than Guronzan " Yes, it starts well, as the slogan for a brand of video games (ES Sports itzineugaime) or a slam ... (Yes, and stop saying that slam is like modern poetry, you have bananas in your ears).
- " do a PhD in six months . Yes, it's also a classic. We all thought they could do that in the first year, before realizing the 6th year that we would actually do it in six months.
- " Supervisor Michele Alliot-Marie . Oh yeah? Do you think she'll have free time in the coming years now?
- "fun facts 60 years of age . Funny? Who uses that word again? To use this expression is at least 60 years old actually.
- " PhD student is insulted by his supervisor . In defense or in private ? Because if it is in defense, voyeurs like you, I guess you're looking video on Youtube?
- "blues thesis. Oh hey, usual, "thesis depressed" ... it's more jazzy , blues ... it is coconut t'bientôt, you'll be in the soul . Yes, drinking ... that's it ... Drink ... forget ...
- " finish his thesis too hard . Ouech too too hard to the ball of the bomb that kills. Race of his mother (I would add "bitch", but I think it unnecessarily overloading style already said).
- " make two arguments both ". Ah well. Some (s) thought this was possible without becoming neurotic. In 6 months. Medoc With more powerful than Guronzan and sleeping with a supervisor who you insult. Enough ' difficulties when seeking yourself, you must admit. As if it was not difficult enough already to make its case, period.
- " write an application for an appointment with my supervisor ." Yes, you are right to send you to Google for it. As far a good start! Then ask! Once you're uninhibited, ask him about (Google, not your supervisor you are! crazy!) and search phrases. Randomly. You never know, a fluke, you could support and be published in some discipline .
- "Little words thesis. That one is cute too. I find it "cute" right now. It's weird, I do not like. The influence of Rene Taupe (if I catch, this one, j'la pen! What do you mean "no feathers" a mole? ). Perhaps the title of the future film by Guillaume Canet, Small words Small theses?
- "sleeping with the director " (thesis? No thesis? There must have side effects anyway, if you think about it ...). In any case, this query has been typed before the first of this list. Perhaps the same person who, meanwhile, apparently found an answer to his question?
- "thanks thesis funny. But yes, good old well-worn jokes, other times theses! Go! Chauffe Marcel! It's always hilarious. Remember to personalize the names still .


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