Monday, November 1, 2010

Karaoke Don't Stop You Til Get Enough Mp3


I'm drowning in this flood of homework in general is scientifically impossible to get out. I take fast asleep in fifteen minutes of fighting, I condemn myself all alone in my room at work. No need for a concentration camp to take me there, I am automatically suicidal student, do not need a crime or a banal stupidity to punish me, I'm already just thinking about my ... homework and what to expect in September, even below the tray.
It must be said that
Jusan Hawker has totally lost his social life since September 2010. She almost wants to write that it is quite fucked up his life. The bastards do not even need to intervene on his way to make him depressed. And more importantly, it does not need anyone to throw a crazy indescribable.

It's almost annoying because that little person is able to understand.

That's okay, I can survive this endless confrontation.

Otherwise, right now, I listen Utau Hito, Koki . A true artist, I immediately recognized when I heard this song in "The Choir". Song moving.


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