Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sasha Monet Perfectslave Forum


Hop! Here is the first page made in the workshop KCS, where I just laid my quarters. I enclose the page corresponding storyboard. The design is relatively "rough", against 25 last pages executed, for which I work directly led to the sketch stage: the stage, sometimes a little dense and complex, requiring the least I optimize square centimeter of the page, I had to use some precision very quickly in the drawing process. (I'll post a few examples ...)
Half the book is almost done.
In glancing at the rest of the storyboard, I tell myself that the last months of work will not be an easy one, given the crowd scenes and other shots technically demanding as I am led to do ... besides demanding nature of the subject ...

This Is the first page I Made Within The studio KCS, That I've just joined. I post aussi The Matching page of storyboard. Here, The pencil sketches are Relatively "Approximate", considering I Did The Work, Then, On The Second Half Of The Book, Which I Did for some more advanced skits: in the last pages, The layout WAS Quite complex to install, so I Had To Be Accurate, in order to optimize the surface of the page. (I'll show some examples in subsequent posts.)
Furthermore, I've nearly drawn half of the book.
Looking at the storyboard, I tell to myself the last months of work won't be a sinecure, given the upcoming scenes of crowd and other hard plans I'll have to do... Not to mention that it is often trying to work on such a subject.


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